Baby Growth Chart

  • Plot height and weight from birth to 18 years old
  • Max 10 children
  • Both units, kg-cm and lb-inch
  • 3% and 97% percentile curves investigated by the Japanese Ministry of Health
  • You can move data from the free lite version
  • Height and weight prediction
  • Chart with x-axis as days to due for premature baby
  • Shift plot data by due date
  • Easy data input

Plivacy policy

This app saves data at your device, and you can use this app without internet connection.

Therefore we do not collect any information from you.


If you have any opinions or questions, please contact us.

email : contact (at) ringsbell (dot) net

author's twitter : yt

Revision history

version 1.0 released on July 9, 2011

version 1.1 released on August 6, 2011

- added Kaup index chart

- fixed some bugs

version 1.2 released on October 6, 2011

- added new screenshot function, which can take a chart image, send to Twitter, Facebook, via email and also save to your photo album.

version 1.3 released on November 10, 2011

- added the jump button from enlarged chart to input table

- fixed some bugs

version 1.4 released on November 30, 2011

- added a new function to paste data in the lite version

version 1.5 released on May 26, 2012

- added a new function to paste CSV data

- fixed some bugs (which can show the weight, height values at a wrong date in the input table)

version 1.6 released on Oct 10, 2012

- iOS 6 / iPhone 5 (4inch display) support

- requires iOS 4.3 or later

version 1.6.1 released on Oct 24, 2012

- fixed some bugs

version 1.7 released on Nov 28, 2012

- a new function to copy data in CSV format

- bug fixes

version 1.7.1 released on Feb 9, 2013

- bug fixes

version 1.8 released on Jun 9, 2013

- added a height and weight chart from 6 to 18 years old

- applied a latest percentile curve if the birthday is after 2012/1/1

version 2.0 released on Sep 13, 2013

- iOS 7 support

- includes some improvements

- requires iOS 6.0 or later

version 2.1 released on Mar 13, 2014

- includes some improvements

version 2.2 released on Jul 13, 2015

- includes some improvements

version 2.2.1 released on Jul 29, 2015

- includes some bug fixes

version 2.2.2 released on Aug 6, 2015

- includes a bug fix

version 2.3 released on Oct 31, 2018

- adds a function to measure your kid's height with the camera

version 2.3.1 released on June 14, 2019

- includes a bug fix